Thursday, 26 July 2018

Devops Real Time questions asked by interviewers.

1. Tell me about your day to day activities?
2. Why you use docker.Where you can use docker in ur current project?
3. How do you run container?
4. How can i get outside data in docker?
5. How can i connect docker through internet?
6. What is vpc?
7. What is subnet.why we are using subnet?
8. Have you worked on jenkins.that is administrator or end user side?
9. Have you done any configurations?
10. I have updated 100 jobs at one
11. What activities done in git repository?
12. Have u done local repository?
13. How to clone the repository?
14. What is swap memory?
1. Difference b/w chef and ansible?
2. Without groovy scripting how to run pipeline jobs?
3. How to troubleshoote servers?
4. How to remove bottlenecks in ur current project?
5. When you restart the server service will automatically will you approch?
6. write a docker file for to install apache,nginix,tomcat?
7. What is docker image and container?
8. how to create our own docker images?
9. can you explain end-to-end deployment ?
10.What activities done in git repository?
11. If any failures occur in ci how you will inform ?
1. How to share the variable from one job to another job?
2. What are types of jobs you can create in jenkins?
3. Which dsl launguage ur using in jenkins?
4. What is the first statement in groovy script?
5. How to declare variable in ansible?
6. How to check host health in ansible?which module ur using?
7. Can you define two tasks in same job?
8. Without ping module can you check ssh to the host?
9. How to declare one Yaml file inside another Yaml file?
10. How do you know ansible work flow?
11. How to check server up or running?
12. I have a mount file how to check mount file list?
13. can u explain Maven life cycle?
14. Advantages of maven rather than Ant?
15. What are the steps un can write in groovy script?
16. How to create maven project through commandline?
17. mvn clean install what are the internal process?
18. what is CI/CD?
1. script for to get current date, time, user name, current working directory.
2. convert all files(text/what ever may be) into (extention).xml files
3. script for merging content of two files.
4. convert a string into reverse order.
5. steps for configure slave nodes.
6. from  scratch CI explain
7. set,list,dictionary,tuple explain them
8. build android, IOS applications in jenkins which plugins u have used.
9. loops,datatypes in python.
10. how to convert string to integer, integer to string.
11. what is oops concept.
12. inheritance, encapsulation,polymorphism,abstraction.
Xebia Group
1. What is Nat IGW gateways?
2. Under public,private subnets which component you can use?
3. Where your application deploy?
4. Where you can fix in database server?
5. How autoscaling works?how to configure Autoscaling?
6. diff b/w elb and Autoscaling?
7. What is Elastic ip?
8. Diff b/w s3 and Ebs?
9. Without pem key how to access ur aws instance?
10. What is Garbage collection in Python?
11. Working principle for Gc in Python?for example A=5 and B=5 what happening in python(memory allocation).If i delete A variable what it will be B variable?
12. When u triggre a playbook what will happen in screen?
13. What is connection timeout?
14. How to troubleshoot in apache?
15. What kind of work done through docker?
16. How to merge two containers?
17. How to find how many files are open in particular server?
1) what is git ignore.can you explain internal process?
2) what is git pull request?
3) what is git pull ,push and fetch and clone?
4) what is branching?c
5)what is git merge how it will works?
6)what is git rebase.can you explain diff b\w rebase and merge?
7)what is to create ami?
8)what is ant and maven.diff b\w them?
9)what are the components in build.xml.can you expalin?
10)what are the components in pom.xml.can you expalin?
11)what is to integrate jenkins with sonarqube?
12)can you explain sonarqube dashboard?
13)what are the components you have worked in aws?
14)have you worked on tfs and clearecase?
Fedility Investments
1) What is cloud computing.what are the advantages compare to onpremises?
2) What is Elb?
3) What is Alb and can you tell me request flow?
4) What is diff b/w Elb and Alb?
5) What is the security group?
6) If Ec2 instance is not filesystem to troubleshoot this issue?
7) How to configure cloud watch and what are the resources it will be monitored in Aws?
8) How to configure Autoscaling and what is the  main indication to use autoscaling?
9) If Ec2 instance is stopped but it will be charged.what is the reason?
10) What is CloudFormation.can you write any cloudformation scripts?
11) If you write any shell to call jenkins to s3 bucket and s3 bucket to ec2 machine?
12) What is vpc.Why we are using vpc in aws?
13) Do you experience on Aws Cli?
14) How to run shellscript in background?
15) How to deploy the application in cloud environment?
16) How to configure security in AWs environment?
17) What is the role and policies?

1.Tell me about infrastructure?
2.difference between  Elb nd Alb?
3.relationship between ec2 instance and AMI?
4.can we access s3 bucket to another region? if yes how could you access?
5.tell me what is vpc and how to create it? if  i want to use private vpc how to connect  that private vpc with public network? will integrate jenkins with maven in webserver? will you create another branch in git repository?
8.What is Route53 and how will you craete it?
9.What is T2 instance?
10.Tell me the infrastructure like 3-tier architecture nd explain it?
11.For Db which vpc will be suitable and Why?
12.What type of issues r u solving in aws recently?
13.can we scale-up ec2-instances virtually?
14.Types  of vpc's? will jenkins knowns maven is integrated in the same server?
16.Is it possible for an EC2 classic instance to become a member of a virtual private cloud?
17. Is it possible to peer two VPCs with matching IP address ranges?
18.What are devops tools u r using?
19.What is the type of architecture, where half of the workload is on the public load while at the same time half of it is on the local storage ?
20.How do you squash last N commits into a single commit?
21.How do you setup a script to run every time a repository receives new commits through push?