Sunday, 2 April 2017

DevOps Realtime Interview Questions

DevOps Real-time Interview Questions which I had faced .
 (One of Top MNC).
1  1.  Tell me about yourself?
2  2.    How to build artefacts in Jenkins?
3  3.      How to install Jenkins plugins without internet?
4  4.      Have you configure slaves in your Jenkins environment? If yes then what’s the  
    5.  procedure to crates slaves? What is the advantage is mater slave architecture?
5  6.      Are you configure Maven, TFS, Git, Java, Junit…etc in Jenkins? if yes how you      did?
6  7.      How to get the outside files to inside Docker container?
7  8.      What are the issues you are facing in Jenkins?
8  9.      What is pipeline? Are you involve to develop pipeline script?
9 10.     Are you involve to write shell script? If yes for what purpose are you write shell      script?
1  11. Why pipeline we are using?
1  12. Are you involve in maven script?